Friday, January 30, 2009

Facebook Notes: 25 things

Rules:Once you've been tagged, you are supposed to write a note with 25 random things, facts, habits, or goals about you. At the end, choose 25 people to be tagged. You have to tag the person who tagged you. If I tagged you, it's because I want to know more about you.
(To do this, go to “notes” under tabs on your profile page, paste these instructions in the body of the note, type your 25 random things, tag 25 people, then click publish.)
1. I'm too tall for "tall" jeans. I will never be the girl in stiletto heels.

2. Even though I am a card carrying member of the PTA, I have a hard time seeing myself as a grown up. until I notice the wrinkles and the grey.

3. My feet grew one full shoe size with each baby I had and never shrank back. I have to buy ugly shoes from the transvestite section at Payless.

4. I can make a mean hula hoop but I suck at hooping. I can only keep it going around my waist to walk or dance, but if I try to do I trick I look like a confused clutzy kid.

5. I could eat Taco Bell several times a week and never get tired of it.

6. My husband and I have sacrificed and do give up a lot so we can both have our dream jobs. He is a Brewer for Humperdinks and I am a stay at home mom. It pays the bills and keeps us smiling but we dont get out much :)

7. Although my husband brews beer and most of my friends are total beer nerds, I actually like cheap light beer (shh..)

8. I am totally not a cat person, but we have two cats and no dogs. Soon I'll be a crazy cat lady for sure!

9. I am trying to toilet train my cats. Its harder than it sounds.

10. I plan to finish my social work degree one day, but I feel I couldnt do it while my kids are small. I am going to start volunteering though.

11. Both of my kids wore cloth diapers. I even made my own baby wipes.

12. I am trying to crochet a plarn bag, but I dont really know how to crochet or how to read a pattern, but it seems to be coming along fine. I guess.

13. My best friend and I went to the same high school at the same time, but were never friends. We even dated the same guy from another school. (at different times)

14. My Wednesday dollar drinks happy hour with the girls has evolved over the years to Mondays at Taco Bell :)

15. My husband and I share one car although we own two camper vans named Sunshine and The Pickle.

16. I love to go camping. Theres something so wonderful about being away from all sense of time and structure- just playing in nature.

17. I like to wear colorful knee high socks with converse and shorts ;)

18. I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers but truth be told, I am no good at watching my weight!

19. I never change my jewelry. If I take it off, I'll never remember to put it back on.

20. I love Halloween. Making the costumes is my favorite part.

21. I believe that each one of us needs to take responsibity for the earth and for each other. "We are not here to see through one another but to see one another through"

22. I enjoy watching football.

23. I LOVED the Twilight saga and it left me with total Forks withdrawal, but thankfully I think Ive adjusted now, three other books later, and can rejoin society.

24. I love live music. Rock concerts, bluegrass festivals, I like to sing out loud and dance with the crowds. Although dancing on stage can be a blast too :)

25. Being a mom is better than I ever thought possible. My boys are the greatest. Sometime I feel like I am the best mom ever and sometime I feel useless, but they always make me feel like Im the most important person in the room.(I know I'd better enjoy that part while it lasts)

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