Tuesday, November 11, 2008

I made a pumpkin pie

out of a pumpkin! and it was good!
Coty seriously laughed at me for trying to pretend that I hadn't used pie filling. It came out very much like a real pumpkin pie. The boys and I pulled the guts out together and ate dinner while the pumpkin cooked then we peeled off the skins and took turns adding ingredients and using the mixer. Poured it into a couple of pie pans and watched a movie, then VIOLA! fresh baked pumpkin pie! Yea me!

here's the recipe I used http://www.pumpkinpatchesandmore.org/pumpkinpie.php

1 comment:

mommayoung said...

wow! i'm very impressed by your pie-making skills! i've never made one from a real pumpkiin before. good for you!! :)